Wednesday, July 16, 2008

And so....and so....and so....

Okay, critical juncture here. As I stated before, I was a pretty responsible kid. I really was and Mom was strict as hell! I mean I remember once she told me to cut up lettuce for supper. Well, I didn't have it done be fore she got home and I got grounded for a week. Now I know some of you are thinking that I must have been totally slacking off right? On the phone, watching TV, or just plain goofing off. Nope, I was trying to get my homework done first for cripes sake! I mean really! What a terrible kid!

So I also had very different parental views on what constitutes a "sex" talk. Mom was a cradle Catholic as am I so she gave me the whole, "You better wait to have sex or I am going to sew your fucking knees together!" (Mind you I found out later that she gave it up to bio-dad at age 15...what fucking ever.) Dad was cool, he would corner me in the car while he was know so I couldn't get away and I had to tactic I suppose. He was always, "If you feel that you need sex to be a part of your life then please be responsible and use protection. You can always come to us and we won't judge you. Just don't fuck up your future by getting pregnant in high school." Apparently they had discussed this beforehand....or NOT!

I was all good little Catholic girl....I want to wait until I am married, blah blah blah. I mean it does have merit, I admit and sometimes I wish that I had waited but alas I did not. But that is a story for another time.

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