Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And so I have returned....

So, picking up where I left off.....when I was in kindergarten I decided that I didn't want to go with bio-dad anymore. I remember being scared of him. I was always in trouble and i didn't really like wifey #3 or her daughter Missy. So, he stopped coming around and he stopped paying child support. I don't recall the exact course of events, but in the 2nd grade a month before my 8th birthday, my stepfather adopted my brother and I. Bio-dad did not show up to contest, I remember the lawyers saying he wasn't showing as he had "car trouble." Whatever. But I can honestly say that allowing the adoption to go through was the best gift he ever gave me.

My new dad, Mike is wonderful. He is my dad. He is my father. He is great, I thank God for bringing him into my life. That is not saying that he is perfect mind you....but I love him very much. I also gained a sister. Dad had a daughter from his first marriage. Jenny did not live with us, although Mom and Dad did try to gain custody at one point. Jenny was with us every other weekend until she reached high school.....but that is her story.

I suppose the next major turning point in my life was my teen years. There are a couple of events that stick out in my mind and I am certainly not going through them all tonight, but I think that it is very important to mention the following facts. I was a good kid. I did well in school. I always did my homework and chores. At 16 I got a job and worked all through high school. I was responsible. I was THE responsible one....not my brother.

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