Saturday, August 16, 2008

And so here's a story I haven't shared....

How bio-dad died. It will be 10 years on September 4th. I suppose that is why I feel compelled to discuss it now. To put it simply...he was killed in a motorcycle accident. He was on I-70 near Dayton, Oh and a car came onto the road from an on ramp crossing all lanes of traffic. It had been raining and the roads were slick. He could not avoid hitting her. When he did, he was thrown off his bike and over the top of her car. He went head first into the cement barrier that divides the north and south bound lanes, killing him instantly. I was 8 months pregnant with my daughter...his first grandchild. I had not talked to him in years. I was sad...but more in a "oh my great uncle died" sort of way. I didn't really know him and i didn't have a relationship with him. But I felt and still do that there was unfinished business between us. I went to the viewing. I was bitched at my his mom and put down by his wife (the 7th one). It was a closed casket and I didn't view the body. I suppose it sounds morbid, but I wish I had. I feel like there is no closure.

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