Saturday, August 30, 2008

And so where do I go from here...

It's been a with it. It has been crazy around here with school starting and I am looking for a different job. I have a few issue regarding this blog. I really feel like I need someplace to just bitch and vent and I really don't care who, if anyone reads this. I mean I am not out advertising this blog you know. I would love to have the link to my blog in my facebook page, but a lotr of my friends on there are people I went to high school with and I am not sure I want them reading all the shit I have posted about here. Hell I don't know. My most recent bitch is simply that I am not sure what to do about my nephew's b-day. I have a card and I will for sure send it to him...but a gift is much more difficult. I don't want to do cash or a gift card. He's 3 and I am thinking that a savings bond is a good idea. At least that way I know he will get the gift someday. This is all due to the fact that my brother and I are not currently on speaking terms. That certainbly muddies the waters. I can't even guarantee that he won't return the card to sender. Dickhead.

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